My Publications (In The Field of Anthropology and Sociology)

Published Books (in Chinese)

Yuxin Hou. 2018. “新疆少数民族社区保护地现状分析” (Analysis on ICCA in the Region of Xinjiang). 德国萨尔布吕肯: 金琅学术出版社 (Saarbrücken, Germany: Golden Light Academic Publishing)

Yuxin Hou. 2018. “从他者处思人——人类学研究散论” (Pondering from the Otherness-Anthropological Research Collections). 德国萨尔布吕肯:金琅学术出版社(Saarbrücken, Germany: Golden Light Academic Publishing)

Yuxin Hou, 2016, “庄浪户村回族消费文化研究”(Consumption Culture Research of the Hui People in “Zhuang-Lang-Hu” Village of China). 德国萨尔布吕肯:金琅学术出版社(Saarbrücken, Germany: Golden Light Academic Publishing)

Published Articles (in English)

(1) Yuxin Hou. 2017. “Interview with Katherine Verdery”. Anthropology of East Europe Review 35 (1):55-63

(2) Ruoyun Hua, Yuxin Hou & Guosheng Deng. 2015. “Instrumental Civil Rights and Institutionalized Participation in China: A Case Study of Protest in Wukan Village”. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 27 (5):2131–2149

(3) Yuxin Hou. 2014. “The Analysis of Current Situation of Tuva People in China”. The New Research of Tuva 1:96-103

(4) Yuxin Hou. 2013. “Saving Our Identity: An Uphill Battle for the Tuva of China”. Cultural Survival Quarterly 37 (4) :24-25

 (5) Yuxin Hou. 2013. “The Role of Religious Force in the Wukan Incident”. The China Nonprofit Review 5 (1): 155-175.

Published Article (in Polish)

Slawoj Szynkiewicz and Yuxin Hou. 2013. Kryzys Kulturowy U Tuwinczykow Chin (Cultural Crisis among the Tuva of China), In Etnograficzne Wedrowki Po Obszarach Antropologii (Ethnographical Journeys over Anthropological Expanse). Smyrski Łukasz, Waszczyńska Katarzyna Spis treści. ed. Pp. 59-83. Wydawnictwa DiG (DiG Publishing House)

Published Articles (in Chinese)

(1) Yuxin Hou. 2012.  “社会人类学奠基者的学术与人生” (“Academic and Life of the Founder of Social Anthropology”). 中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)(Journal of Minzu University of China Philosophy and Social Science Edition) 03: 30-36.(Ch)

(2) Yuxin Hou. 2010. “评《匈奴史稿》”. (“Comments on the Book the History of Huns”). 中国人类学评论(Chinese Review of Anthropology: 16: 269-272. (Ch)

(3) Yuxin Hou. 2010. “现代旅游业影响下的游牧社会变迁研究-以新疆图瓦人为研究个案”( Research on Culture Transformation in the Society of Chinese Tuva People under the Modern Tourism). 黑龙江民族丛刊(Hei Longjiang National Series 03: 137-141. (Ch)

(4) Yuxin Hou. 2010 “关于人类学翻译中的天真与真实” (Cultural Translation or Approaching Truth). 中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)(Journal of Minzu University of China (Philosophy and Social Science Edition)) 02: 52-55. (Ch)

(5) Yuxin Hou. 2009. “发展人类学之发展概念与幸福感相关研究” (The Analysis of Related Issues Concerning the Concept of “Development” of “Development Anthropology” and “Happiness Feelings”). 广西民族研究(Study of Ethnics in Guangxi02: 65-70. (Ch)

(6) Yuxin Hou. 2009. “女娲神话之人类学解读” (The Anthropological Interpretation of the “NvWa” Myth). 黑龙江民族丛刊 (Hei Longjiang National Series) 05: 130-134. (Ch)

(7) Yuxin Hou. 2009. “评《李有义与藏学研究》” (“Comments on the Book Youyi Li and Tibet Research”). 中国人类学评论(Chinese Review of Anthropology14:259-263. (Ch)

(8) Yuxin Hou. 2009. “人类学的边疆关怀-读《西北游牧藏区社会调查》” (“Anthropological Frontier Concerns—Reading the Book of The Social Survey of Northwest Nomadic Tibetan). 中国人类学评论(Chinese Review of Anthropology13 :104-124. (Ch)

(9) Yuxin Hou. 2008. “庄浪户村回族消费特征的原因分析” (The Analysis of Reasons for the Hui Minority’s Consumption Characteristics in Zhuang-Lang-Hu Village). 青海民族研究(Nationalities Research in Qinghai 4: 33-37. (Ch)

Published Article (in Chinese Book)

Yuxin Hou. 2016. “田野逸事一箩筐” (Fieldwork Stories). In北冥有鱼–人类学家的田野故事 (The Fieldwork Stories of the Anthropologists). Shaoxiong Zheng & Rongrong Li, ed. Pp. 82-85. 北京:商务印书馆  (Beijing: The Commercial Press)

Published Article (in English Book)

Yuxin Hou. 2016. “Ritual and Cultural Revival at Tuvan Sacred Natural Sites Supports Indigenous Governance and Conservation of Nature in China”. In Asian Sacred Natural Sites: Philosophy and Practice in Protected Areas and Conservation. Bas Verschuuren and Naoya Furuta. ed. Pp. 286-296. New York: Routledge

Translation Work

Yuxin Hou. 2010. 关于人类技术起源的争论 (Debate on the Origins of Human Technology <6th chapter>) In 论技术、技艺与文明 (“Techniques, Technology and Civilization”). Nathan Schlanger. ed. Pp. 56-57. Beijing: World Book Publishing Company. (From English to Chinese)